Workshop on Care Support Plans

Join us for an informative and empowering information session designed specifically for unpaid carers. This session aims to equip carers with the ability to understand, develop, create and understand the importance of a care support plan. We understand the challenges and responsibilities that come with being a caregiver, and our goal is to support and empower you on your caregiving journey.

Session Goal

The goal of this session is to provide unpaid carers with a comprehensive understanding of Care support plans. What they are, how important they are, how to develop a care support plan and how you can implement it.

  • What is a care plan?
  • Why is a care plan important?
  • How to implement a care support plan

Session Format

The session will be conducted in a workshop-style format, combining presentations, group discussions, and interactive activities. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with facilitators and fellow carers, sharing experiences, and learning from one another. The session will span two hours, allowing sufficient time for in-depth discussions and practical exercises.

How to Book

To reserve your spot in this information session, please click the "book now" button below and complete the booking form. Limited seats are available, so early booking is encouraged. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with further details.

Please note:This is for unpaid carers only. If you are a paid carer you cannot attend this training.

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Meeting Your Training Needs

The training offered will change over different periods of the year and in relation to changes in practice, we need to keep this fresh & up to date.