Unpaid Carers | Moving & Handling Training

Unpaid Carers – Free Moving and Handling Training

Who is this training for?

The aim of this exciting new service at CTC is to ensure safe practices and techniques when using manual handling equipment, increase confidence and raise awareness across the region.

This training is for unpaid carers based in Dumfries and Galloway. An unpaid carer is defined as a carer, unpaid, who cares for family or friends who have a disability, or illness or need support in life. This fully funded training is provided to help with mobility and handling requirements.

What is this training for?

We deliver this training to support unpaid carers in the form of initial moving and handling training or a refresher for experienced unpaid carers. This area of care training covers the following aspects of moving and handling:

  1. Hoists
  2. Bed Management System
  3. Slide Sheets
  4. Transfer Boards
  5. Stand Aids
  6. Wheelchairs
  7. Safe Practices Without Equipment

When will the training take place?

At CTC we pride ourselves on the flexibility of our service, this is no different with our unpaid care programme. We aim to meet the needs of each individual by working around their schedules and offering training at times that best suit them. We encourage unpaid carers can book in advance to allow for equipment installation as this can be a timely process.

Where does the training take place?

We offer training at the location of the unpaid carers choosing to provide the necessary training within a familiar environment and equipment. Alternatively, we also offer training at our CTC base in Dumfries to deliver the essential training needed before the installation of moving and handling equipment.

How to apply

To apply for this training, you can:

  1. Get in contact with our Unpaid Carer Moving & Handling Lead - Cheryl Murray at 07918258781 or cheryl@caretrain.co.uk


2. Fill out the referral form below

Once you have applied via either of the above options, a member of the CTC team will get in touch to make training arrangements and begin the training process.

Referral Form

To submit a referral please complete our referral form by click the link below.

Moving & Handling Videos

Watch this short series of videos demonstrating correct moving & handling techniques moving someone from a bed to a chair using a hoist - Hoist Videos

Watch this short demonstration on how to use the in bed management system - Bed Management System Videos

Watch these short demonstrations on how to use a sara stedy to safely move someone from a chair to a bed - Sara Stedy Videos

Meeting Your Training Needs

The training offered will change over different periods of the year and in relation to changes in practice, we need to keep this fresh & up to date.