Ctc Christmas Training Newsletter

2019 Christmas Newsletter

Care Training Consortium Christmas
18 December 2019

2019 Christmas Newsletter


by Lewis C.

18 December 2019

An intro from the Ed..

Interesting, vibrant and full on, just a few words that go some way to describing this year for CTC. In the last year new staff have arrived, bringing with them new ideas and inspiration. Training and delivery of SVQ’s remain our core business, but we have started to venture into exploring new modes of delivery.

A collaboration with Bstations has seen us enter the world of virtual reality as a way to enhance the learning experience of candidates, we will continue to pursue this in 2020. Along with D&G employability, Dryfemount Care Home and Beyond limits, we ran a small project that gave the opportunity for those unemployed to gain experience in the care sector, the culmination of the project being that two candidates gained employment and two others left the project well placed for a future career in care. It is our intention to run the project again early in the new year, if you are a provider who would like to be involved just drop us an e-mail expressing your interest and we’ll be in touch, (info@caretrain.co.uk). New additions to the team include Wonky and Baby Puds, with Wonky accompanying us on our ventures with DYW as we ventured to various school events and met some very interesting young people. Read on below to hear about Wonky’s ventures in an interview with CTC’s reporter. We hope you like the new website and do keep a look out for what CTC is up to on our facebook page. As we head toward the end of 2019 all of us at CTC would like to wish you a very Happy Christmas, and a very peaceful New Year.

Developing the local Workforce

CTC have recently completed the delivery of 4 cohorts of Vital Signs Training to staff who work within a number of Care Homes in Stewartry. This was a partnership project between CTC and Stewartry Health & Social care partnership. This included developing competency in obtaining and recording BP, Pulse, Respiration's and temperature , as well as Urinalysis and Blood sugar monitoring . The course built on existing knowledge of staff allowing them to develop confidence and competence in obtaining Vital Signs .
We hope this will enhance the care provided to those people living within the residential care sector to deliver positive outcomes and ensure that the care needed is delivered at the right time and in the right place . The staff involved were enthusiastic and participated really well in the training sessions . CTC hope that this training can be rolled out to other localities within D&G . If you are interested in participating in similar training please contact us

SVQ News

Our numbers for SVQ continues to grow. We deliver these across Dumfries & Galloway and now many other regions in Scotland including Argyle & Bute, Highland & Angus, Tayside and the Central belt.
We deliver SVQ to a variety of care settings as the workforce move towards SSSC regulation as the norm rather than the exception. This ensures that the workforce is knowledgeable and competent and that those receiving care are safe and experience a high quality of care.

CTC went through SQA annual quality monitoring over the summer and we are delighted to say we reached a high confidence level in all aspects of our awards and centre performance. This was team effort and reflected the amount of work that goes into the delivery of the SVQs by the assessment team.
A new initiative for us has been to recognise a Candidate of the Month. This award goes to a particular candidate who is nominated by their assessor and recognised as producing work which reflects on care of a high standard , an excellent knowledge of their job role and commitment to care . We look forward to continuing this in 2020.

Exclusive Interview !!!

CTC’s roving reporter Mrs. T Rainer gets the opportunity for an exclusive interview with Wonky, the first since his arrival at CTC.

Mrs. T Rainer: Can you tell us what life has been like for you, since you arrived at CTC?

Wonky: Well T, the first few days were very strange. I’d arrived not really knowing much about CTC only to find myself lumbered at the front of the office. To be honest, at first, I had not really appreciated the position I had been given, it felt like I’d just been dumped there! Now I realise it’s such a prestigious position, you see there’s Claire and I, and that’s who you see on arrival, just us smiling sweetly at you. What more could you want?

Mrs. T Rainer: So are you happy to be in the limelight?

Wonky: I am now, have I told you about my trips….?

Mrs. T Rainer: err no, please continue

Wonky: One day, at very short notice I might add, with no time to pack, I got told we are off to Aberdeen. I’d never heard of it. Apparently its way north, I heard Sheila say if we don’t go this month they will have snow there next month –

Mrs T Rainer: really?

Wonky: it was only July!

Anyhow off we head – I slept most of the way, my narcolepsy taking over. Either that or listen to Fi and Sheila natter for 6 hours – empathise yourself!

Mrs. T Rainer – so why were you going to Aberdeen then?

Wonky: I’m still not sure why we were going, although I did get to meet some nice people, who were every friendly and spent a lot of time with Sheila and Fiona, something about observing them at work and SQV’s ….. or something

Mrs. T Rainer – do you mean SVQ’s?

Wonky: ah that’s correct, I’ve heard them mentioned around the office.

Mrs. T Rainer – so one trip ?

Wonky: well that one, and on the night I even got taken out to the cinemar – where we saw some posh folks prance around. I over heard Fiona say she loved the frocks they wore. I think it was called Downturn Abby or something. Well after Aberdeen, we went to see Desperate Dan, I did’nt fancy coo pie – so just had salad.

A few weeks later we were off again this time the car was loaded with folk, even Lewis and Claire got to come. Mind you they were very shy at first. Me I saw all these school kids and just had fun. We did a couple of those and met loads of kids at school. I even got my picture taken with some of them. I think I’m becoming a bit of a B celebrity you know.

Mrs. T Rainer: So you’ve had a few trips out, was there a favourite?

Wonky: Mrs T I have to say that the best trip we’ve done to date was when I got to see some old mates, at the rest home for elderly donkeys – lovely day, beautiful people, lovely donkeys and it rained ALL day. Great fun – I’m hoping we get to go again next year, although I don’t think Lorraine will want to come! Donkey phobia………. Although she does hug me!

Mrs. T Rainer: It sounds like you have been enjoying yourself? Any office news you want to share?

Wonky: I got a new pal last month, baby Puds arrived. He’s very bossy and tries to get in all my pictures.
Mrs T Rainer: Its good to have friends…

Wonky: Friends, me I’ve got loads, thinking about getting my own f’book page then I can secret message. Last week we decorated the office, shiny things, and flashy things, oh and that spikey thing, Helen called it a tree,

They keep moaning about those balls falling off it ….should I tell them I use it as a back scratcher?
Mrs T Rainer: I think your referring to the Christmas tree Wonky. Do you have any plans for Christmas yourself?

Wonky: I don’t T. I think Baby Puds and I will just have a quiet few days to ourselves, I’ve listened to the office conversation and I think next year is going to busy. So a little rest before trips would be good.

Mrs T Rainer: Wonky …..thank you for taking time to speak with me perhaps we could do it again soon?
Wonky: Absolutely T. and could I just take this opportunity to wish you and your readers a very happy Christmas and a peaceful new year.

Meeting Your Training Needs

The training offered will change over different periods of the year and in relation to changes in practice, we need to keep this fresh & up to date.