External Verification Visit - Management and hnc awards

26 August 2020

External Verification Pass


by Lewis C.

26 August 2020

We are excited to let you know we have maintained our High Confidence level of practice for another year!

Each year we have an external verification visit that audits our level of competence for the awards we offer. Recently we have had 2 ‘virtual’ external verification visits around our HNC and Management awards which have gone very well.

This was a challenge as we normally have the external verifier in the office for a whole day referencing paperwork but given the current circumstances of covid and social distancing this was all done remotely via telephone and email.

A massive well done to our team of assessors who made this possible and continue to provide the highest quality service.

*high confidence is the highest commendation you can receive from the external verifier.

If you are interested in taking an SVQ please visit our SVQ page or get in touch!

Meeting Your Training Needs

The training offered will change over different periods of the year and in relation to changes in practice, we need to keep this fresh & up to date.